Saturday, February 23, 2013

Another New Adventure

It's amazing how life can get so busy!!  The last time I posted, I had started doing a candida/yeast diet.  I had been on that diet, up until a few days ago.  I had totally eliminated all sugar and wheat/gluten, most grains, most dairy, and almost all starches.

Unfortunately, though, it didn't seem to matter what I "didn't" eat, I was still not feeling well and I was still having candida break-outs!  This has been extremely frustrating!  I thought I was doing all the right things, but my body just wasn't healing.  I had lost approximately 20 pounds, since October 21st, 2012, which was encouraging, but I noticed that if I indulged in some organic corn chips or a little bit of potato, I would feel really bad...and break out!

Two weeks ago, I visited with my mom, and asked her what else I could do.  She has studied nutrition and diet, for years, and has been extremely helpful, but this was past her knowledge!  Talk about frustration!  I started praying more, "God, I REALLY don't know what else to do!  I REALLY need help!!  I want to feel better and I want to be well!!"

A week later, God answered my prayers!!

I connected with a lady, that I had met, over 25 years ago!!  It turns out that she is a Health/Nutrition Coach (but I didn't know that, until later)!  We started visiting and she was asking me questions about what exactly was going on, with my body/ I told her!  She said that basically, my body had kind of hit a rock and that I was going to have to go to extremes, to kind of "reset" it.  I was all for it!!

Flash forward a few days...

Four days ago, I started an elimination/detox diet.  I literally have 3 types of things that I can eat (a variety of chicken, fish and raw veggies) and a LOT of liquids to flush it all out.  I am excited, because I am working with someone who has had extensive training with these kinds of issues and I know that this is where God wants me, right now.

The first day was pretty good.  I noticed that my metabolism had started kicking in...YAY!!  I was actually hungry, for the first time, in a long time!!

The second day went o...k... but I discovered that some of the herbs that I was using, were making me sick to my stomach!  It turns out that that was a good thing.  For whatever reason, I can't have that, right!!  I did wake up with a headache, that morning, but after checking in with my H/N-Coach, she said that it was from the toxins being stirred up, in my body!  My first thought was, "I already had flare-ups from the toxins...months ago!  UGH!!"  But then I realized that this meant that my body was cleaning itself out!!  That was encouraging!

The third day, I started breaking out in whelps.  This happened, a month after I started the candida diet, and lasted nearly a month.  It was extremely painful, but I knew that it was my body getting rid of the garbage.

So, here we go...AGAIN!!

I survived, the first time I went through this, so I know that I will survive this, too!  I have noticed, that I seem to have more support, this time around...from all directions!  I know that it's God's doing!

My H/N-Coach shared her story with me and she said that God told her that even in all her struggles with her health, that she was already victorious in what she was going through, through God!!

That blessed me, tremendously!!!

When I was praying about taking this new direction, I knew in my spirit, that I, too, would be this...through God!!  I have such peace about this and I know that it is all in God's hands!!

Be Blessed!

I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!  Philippians 4:13

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