Monday, February 25, 2013

Day Six: Breaking Old Habits

I have realized that I do a lot of things, out of habit, when preparing food.  Some good...some bad...

The Bad...licking my fingers all the time!

I didn't realize how much I lick my fingers!  I have really had to restrain myself, so that I don't jeopardize my diet.  I don't want to cause any set-backs, because I have already worked so hard!  Yes, it's only the sixth day, but I have already put so much into this!

The Good...tasting food for flavoring!

UGH!!  I have never gone by a recipe, "as written."  I have always made modifications, added my own things, etc.  So, having to prepare food, for my family (that I can't eat), has been extremely challenging for me!  I have had to enlist each member, to taste, since they all have their own opinions...and then I adjust the foods, if necessary, according to an "average" evaluation of the taste!

I really don't like not knowing what I am feeding them!!  It bugs me!  I have always been the type of cook that flavors/adjusts, according to how it tastes.

So now you know a new level of my frustration.

I have also noticed that I used to just "grab" something, if I was getting hungry or wanted something to munch on.  I have been constantly having to stop myself from getting a small handful of nuts or eating a few oven roasted okra.

In a way, I guess this is good!  I didn't realize how often I would do that, but apparently, it was quite often!

I have also figured out a way to get my "required ingredients" into my daily diet, and for it to be enjoyable for me.  I tried making the "salad dressing" with the apple cider vinegar, fresh lemon juice, salt, pepper, stevia and sometimes dill.  It was good, for the first 3 days, but got old real fast!!

I've noticed that I almost like just eating my greens, like chips!  It's still part of my meal, but I can just eat them, by hand, leaf by leaf (which has actually been more satisfying)...or using the leaves as mini wraps for my meats!  I guess you could say that it has been fun, in a way!  LOL

So, I know that I need to get in my apple cider vinegar and my lemon juice, so I ended up putting them in my glass, adding a little raw honey and some stevia, and using my hand blender, I made it frothy!  This almost reminded me of a lemon soda!!  It tastes great (although, not according to my family), and I have had it as my "treat" for the last 2 days, between my lunch and dinner!!

I love how this is forcing me to be creative with my food (which I love to do), but at the same time, it has already become a little monotonous.  But, I will prevail!!

 Almost 6 days down....just 34 more to go!!  :D

Be Blessed!

Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21

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