Thursday, May 27, 2010

Home From the Doctor

The day we came home from the doctor, we were pretty shaken up! I have read all sorts of books and articles on "eating healthy" and "diets", but it has been so hard to follow through with them for one reason or another. The biggest challenge we have faced, was being able to "afford" to eat healthy! Good food costs so much more than "the bad stuff", and that has been such a challenge.

But...I am facing that challenge HEAD-On!

Our other big challenge...exercise.

Exercise has been so difficult for us, because we always feel so tired and unmotivated. The doctor told us that if we could just walk 30 minutes a day, every day, that it would make a big difference in our weight and health. We walked to the post office, which is about a 15-20 minute walk, at a steady pace. We walked 2 days in a row and I felt awful afterwards! Part of it is because I don't have good walking shoes and the other part is because for me, the exercise really stirred up a lot of toxins in my body and I wasn't drinking enough water to get rid of them.

Because of the slight set-backs, we ended up going to the park, for the next 2 days, and fed the ducks. I was so sore in my upper body! We had a ton of bread and I threw a ton of it out to the water, for the ducks that wouldn't come to shore. On top of that, we got a lot of sun and actually did quite a bit of walking. Funny thing is, I am really wanting to go walking now! It's like my body is craving it or something! With the weather getting hotter, I will probably be walking early in the morning or late evening...I'm just dreading the mosquitoes!!!

May all that you do, be to glorify God!  :)

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